Door Air Heaters Beat Overhead Door Big Chill

As thoughts turn to the long winter season ahead, many businesses are considering ways to maintain facility heat and comfort without sacrificing energy efficiency.  Door air heaters help facilities effectively and economically maintain indoor temperature while using overhead doors during cold temperatures. Air Solutions partners with Aerovent to offer a reliable line of overhead door […]

Arkansas To Receive Over $1.4 Million from EPA to Support Environmental Programs

According to a recent report, The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be providing the state of Arkansas $1,410,226 to support environmental programs. The funds will be awarded in three separate grants for protecting and improving water bodies, implementing air-pollution control programs, and enforcing drinking water standards. The funding is great news for Arkansas residents […]

Manufacturer Spotlight: Flextech Industries

Expansion joints and dampers are essential building components in the design of effective air handling systems. We partner with Flextech Industries for a wide range of quality, dependable dampers and expansion joints for a variety of industrial applications. Flextech offers a comprehensive line of heavy-duty, reliable louver dampers. These louver dampers are engineered to provide […]

Steps to Selecting the Right Industrial Fan

Many factors are involved in selecting the right industrial fan for your process. Your decision depends on much more than price alone. Does your application require high or low airflow? What will the pressure level be? Are there an environmental challenges that will need to be addressed? Keep in mind that an industrial fan that […]

Electrostatic Precipitator Advantages

Clean air goals can be accomplished efficiently and effectively with electrostatic precipitators. The United Air Specialists (UAS) SMOG-HOG is the industry’s most recognized line of electrostatic precipitators. They provide reliable air filtration and oil removal that leaves no grease or smoke particle behind.  Offering 95% efficiency on mist, smoke, and fume removal, UAS Smog-Hog electrostatic […]

What You Need to Know about Combustible Dust

Combustible dust is a serious safety issue that must be addressed in a wide range of industrial environments. Any fine particulate that has the potential to ignite or explode is considered combustible dust. As with any type of dust, combustible dust tends to settle and accumulate on surface areas including machinery, duct, rafters, walls, and […]

When Indoor Air Quality Suffers In Industrial Environments, So Does Productivity

Owners and managers of today’s industrial facilities are more focused on environmental issues than ever before. Steps are being taken to improve energy efficiency and ensure regulatory compliance, which is environmentally responsible but also awards cost-saving advantages to the business. While a focus on these areas is important, the topic of indoor air quality is […]

Dust and Mist Collection – A Matter of Health

Industrial dust and mist are much more than a nuisance. Not only does dust and mist create an unclean workplace, many of the contaminants found in industrial dust and mist can have serious and detrimental effects on the health of people exposed to them. Health problems that are associated with industrial dust and mists can include: Eye, […]

Six Ways Clamp-Together Duct Makes Duct Replacement Easy

One of the keys to an effective industrial ventilation and dust collection system is quality ducting.  Air Solutions makes installing duct easy with clamp-together duct products developed by some of the most trusted names including K & B duct, Nordfab® Quick-Fit®, and more. A clamp-together duct is designed to easily attach to existing ductwork with […]